Angeles University Foundation

Angeles University Foundation, a non-stock, non-profit educational institution, was established on May 25, 1962 by Mr. Agustin P. Angeles, Dr. Barbara Y. Angeles, and family. In less than nine years, the Institution was granted University status on April 16, 1971 by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports.

The Angeles University Foundation School of Medicine (AUF-SOM) was established in June 1983 by the authority of the Board of Medical Education and the Department of Education, Culture, and Sports with Dr. Rodolfo C. Dimayuga as founding dean, Dr. Presentacion C. Peralta as assistant dean and concurrently school secretary, and a faculty of 18, eight of whom boast of 20 years teaching experience.  The AUF-SOM was initially housed in the AUF San Lorenzo Ruiz Building until it was gutted down by fire in 1993. This tragedy gave way to the construction of a new health sciences building which now houses the AUF-SOM office, lecture rooms and laboratories. 

The AUF-SOM was solely affiliated with Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital for the clinical training of students until the establishment of the AUF Medical Center on February 23, 1990. The 125-bed AUFMC is the only private tertiary teaching, training and research hospital in Central Luzon which serves as the base hospital of AUF medical and allied medical students.Acknowledged for their expertise and integrity, the AUF-SOM  faculty play an active role in elevating the standards of Philippine medical education through their involvement as accreditors, technical panelists and board specialty examiners.

The AUF Doctor of Medicine program is the only PAASCU accredited program in Central Luzon. It was the first in the region given ISO 9001-2000 certification by TUV-SUD in 2008 and the only one north of Manila that is ISO 9001-2008 certified by TUV-SUD. The AUF Doctor of Medicine program has produced outstanding board performance in the Philippine medical board exam, stellar performance at the Indian Medical Council Screening Test, and a 100% pass rate in the 2014 Nepal Medical Council Screening Test. As a result, an increased number of Indian students are now enrolled in the AUF BS Psychology program leading to the degree Doctor of Medicine.

University Profile
AUF is a world-class higher education institution committed to excellence in instruction, research and community service. It is the premier university in the region and is among the best universities in the Philippines. It has among the highest percentages of faculty with graduate degrees in the Philippines. These qualifications are the foundation for its quality instruction and research, evidenced by:
1. Autonomous status granted by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) since 2003. To date, only 68 out of 2,393 Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) are granted this status.
2. Institutional Accreditation by the Federation of Accrediting Associations of the Philippines (FAAP)
3. ISO 9001-2015 Certification by TUV-SUD
4. Accreditation by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU)
5. Level I Accredited Status – BS Civil Engineering, BS Pharmacy, Master of Arts in Education and Master in Business Administration Programs
6. Level III Accredited Status – Medical Technology, Physical Therapy, Computer Science, Information Technology, Integrated Basic Education and Medicine Programs
7. Level III Re-Accredited Status – Accountancy, Business Administration, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Tourism Management, Criminology and Computer Engineering Programs
8. Level IV Accredited Status – AB Communications, Biology, Psychology, Elementary Education, Secondary Education and  Nursing Programs
9. Center of Excellence in Information Technology
10. Center of Development in Computer Engineering
11. Center of Development in Nursing
12. Center of Excellence in Criminology
13. Center of Excellence in Teacher Education

AUF graduates have the highest weighted average passing rate in government administered licensure examinations in the region, and among the highest passing rates in the country. AUF offers relevant academic programs responsive to the demands of the local and global markets. This quality education is accessible to ALL -- a philosophyinstitutionalized through various scholarships and grants.
